Environmental Issues
2.1 Sense of the Environment
or often referred to as the environment is around where the organization
operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, people
and relationships that affect them continuance livelihood and welfare of humans
and other living things. The space is something which the various components of
the environment and the process that occupies the space and environmental
components of an entity.
ecological environment is intended for people to apply the basic principles and
concepts of ecology in the environment. Environmental issues are the problems
that exist in the environment such as environmental damage caused by the floods
caused by garbage that had accumulated or denuded forests, climate change and
drastic weather caused also by deforested.
damage caused by human activities and behavior itself is not environmentally
sound. In addition to the environmental damage caused by the less cares some
people, there is still hope for the emergence of human consciousness fix the
environment. Industrialized countries have a greater responsibility due to the
deteriorating global environment, since most of the environmental damage caused
by the impact of industrialization.
have been felled since developed hundreds of years ago to enhance their
well-being and land-land has been turned into a bleak land more productive
agriculture, farms and industries that emit a variety of pollutants. It is not
fair because the developed countries / industries in order to force developing
countries to cut down their forests to absorb pollutants. Unjust coercion is
done as boycotts of tropical timber products from developing countries.
Types of Environmental Issues
issues are divided into three, namely:
Local Environmental Issues
National Environmental Issues
Global Environmental Issues
Local Environmental Issues are problems that exist in the environment or the
surrounding areas.
National Environmental Issues are environmental problems that occur in a
Global Environmental Issues environmental problems are occurring worldwide.
Local Environmental Issues
is a shortage of water due to the water source can not provide the water needs
of humans and other living things
cause health problems.
a natural phenomenon when the river can not accommodate the overflow of
rainwater as process influasi decreased. It all can happen due to reduced
run-off water-retaining vegetation.
skin diseases, stunted human activity, decreased food productivity, etc.
the erosion of land by water run-off due to reduced water retention.
damage to homes, fields, rice fields, disrupting the economy and transportation
a coastal plain soil erosion due to sea waves.
causing damage to homes and loss of economic potential of tourism.
water (salt) fills the basement has been widely used by humans and in the
absence of sea water intrusion resistance such as mangrove areas.
the fresh water shortages, and damage the health.
National Environmental Issues
Forest Fire
process of forest fires can occur by natural or man-made. Fire by humans is
usually due to land clearing intends to plantation.
CO2 in the air contribute, loss of biodiversity, the resulting smoke
can harm our health and the smoke can affect to other countries. Not only local
but also exposed to other country.
offshore oil pollution
exploitation results in transport by tanker to the processing of petroleum.
Offshore oil pollution in the shelter system result from leaky or sinking ships
that cause the release of oil into the waters.
The resulting waste can be spread depending waves. Can have an impact to
several countries, resulting in the closing of the surface layer of the ocean
which causes the penetration of the sun is reduced causing impaired
photosynthesis, oxygen binding, and can cause death of marine organisms.
Global Environmental Issues
environmental issues, among others:
Issues Porsea
is an area of highland air is cool, located on the outskirts of
Lake Toba, North Sumatra. Around 1989 around Porsea established pulp industry
as a product of the manufacture of paper. Waste pulp industry is the impact of
the environment directly. The indirect environmental impacts, among others,
accelerating deforestation around Lake Toba accelerating decline in the water
level of Lake Toba.
The issue of Minamata
bay is a famous name in the area surrounding Japan in 1956. Japanese society is
fond of eating fish from waters of Minamata. However, fish consumption has
indicated that they have been contaminated by mercury from industrial waste
containing elemental mercury has been discharged into the waters of Minamata.
Minamata disease as a result of mercury Methil formed from the catalyst mercury
/ mercury is used as a synthesis of acetaldehyde.
Issues Ozone Hole
use of CFCs in refrigeration equipment primarily as a refrigerator or air
conditioner adverse environmental impact. Freon gas loose in the environment
will reach the stratosphere without dissolving and then destroy the ozone
layer. Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun's free entry to the earth through
the damaged ozone hole and can cause skin cancer, increased cases of cataracts
in the eye and eye cancer, inhibit the immune power of human (immune) and
climate change.
Issues Rainforests
existence of forests is needed to maintain the carrying capacity of the
environment and conserve natural resources.
The issue of the Greenhouse Effect
the increased use of fuel for various purposes, the release of CO2 has been
increasing rapidly. When the CO2 in the air to let the energy of the sun's
radiation penetrates a complete air and absorb infrared heat rays emitted.
Instead of the earth's surface absorbs heat radiation causing the greenhouse
effect which can affect the temperature of the atmosphere.
The issue of Global Warming
Warming is basically a phenomenon of global temperature increase from year to
year due to the greenhouse effect. Caused by increased carbon dioxide, methane,
dinitrooksida, and CFC that captured solar energy in the Earth's atmosphere.
on the environment: melting polar ice caps, rising sea water quality, expanding
deserts, increasing rainfall and floods, climate change, extinction of flora
and fauna, fauna and pest migration.
Acid Rain Issue
process of the industrial revolution which resulted in the emergence of air
pollution substances. Air pollution can react rainwater and down into compounds
that cause acid corrosion process becomes faster, irritation of the skin.
desertification, decreased ability to land. In the process of desertification
is a process of gradual reduction in productivity and thinning of the upper
land due to human activities and climate varied as droughts and floods. This
resulted in the increasing desertification of critical land in the earth so
that CO2 capture becomes less and less.
Pollution B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials)
containing hazardous and toxic (B3) because of the nature and amount of
concentration, which directly or indirectly can damage and pollute the
environment and endanger human health.
The former only be local but now also make the process of cross-border
exchanges and sewage waste on the high seas. And if it's all happened so
hazardous and can be acutely toxic to living creatures death.
Environmental Issue Mitigation Efforts
general, the problems that occur can be addressed by the following ways:
Implement the use of environmentally friendly technologies in the management of natural resources as well as those that can not be updated by taking into
account the carrying capacity.
To avoid environmental pollution and destruction of natural resources will
require law enforcement in a fair and consistent.
Recycling aluminum, plastic, and paper.
4. Lower the temperature of your air conditioner. Avoid using the maximum
Intensification of Agriculture that adds to the quality of agricultural
products by making improvements in farming areas that include: fertilizing,
irrigation, seed selection, crop rotation, terracing fields and others.
Agricultural extension is the effort to add quality agriculture by clearing
forests or draining wetlands to expand farmland.
Afforestation / Reforestation is planting plants or trees in areas that have
been deforested
Selective logging is cutting down the plant by choosing where do you think that
is feasible plant cut and which ones still need to be preserved.
Make landfills are each intended factories or industries should have a smoke
filtration and waste disposal sites so dirty smoke that will not pollute the
air and wastes will not be disposed of into the river any so it will not pollute
the water.
To reduce runoff and to improve water infiltration mostly groundwater, it is
necessary to manufacture land and recharge wells.
There is control over a motor vehicle that has a high pollution levels that
cause pollution.
Increase the use of organic manure and compared with the use of artificial
fertilizers sehinnga no damage on the ground.
Making swales, ridges, and sasag which aims to reduce the rate of erosion